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I'm new to this Ning & I'm glad I found you! I've been a librarian since 1993, working in an art museum, a large academic institution, and a hospital library. I've been a cataloger, reference librarian, and for the past 9 years, I've been a systems librarian.  Now I'd like to move into new territory - teacher-librarianship!

I've applied for a position at a private school, and part of my interview process involves creating a task list for moving a 10K item collection out of on-premise storage and into a newly built library space within a newly constructed addition to the present school building.  The library was formerly run by parent-volunteers, but now the school wants to move into the future with a learning commons-type area staffed by a professional librarian.

Do you have any advice on uncrating boxes of books, assessing the collection, managing volunteers, creating new programming that would help me with my task-list?  I've found several articles on renovating libraries and moving into new buildings and such, but I could use help with the basics like assessing and building the collection.  Should I shelve all the books as they are & then go shelf-by-shelf deciding what stays and what goes?   The school covers K-8 which is a BROAD reading range...  What are some good core collection lists to go by for weeding/growing the collection?  The layout seems to be a bit flexible, but I'm not sure of the square footage. I've seen the architect's drawings for the library, but I don't know if equipment/seating/shelving, etc. has been ordered or what it looks like.

I'm not even sure how the collection is classified - Dewey, or some in-house method... I don't know if the collection is barcoded or labeled in any way yet. I don't know the budget yet, either. The job begins in mid-August, and the administration is willing to hold off on the library's opening until it is truly something the students can be proud of, so it doesn't have to be ready for browsing & classes by Labor Day or anything... Phew!  Here's an important fact - the job for now is part-time, with plans in the future to go full-time - maybe school year 2011-12.  My first inclination is to beg for full-time - how can this be done on a part-time basis? But I know that we librarians are a can-do folk, so it will just have to get done in the time available.

As for the matter of certification, because it is a private school, job applicants are not required to be certified or have any special endorsements or licenses, but I do plan on pursuing the certification required by the state I'm in if I get this position. It just seems too important!

I would truly appreciate any advice you all can provide, and I know it is a lot to ask, but one of the reasons that I love this profession is the collegiality & willingness to share information so others don't have to "re-create the wheel" with every project, large or small.

Thanks & Cheers!

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Hi Yvonne - this is good advice - thank you! Looks like the first thing on my task list that I present to the administration will be a list of questions to ask, and then based on their answers, I can frame further actions to take.

I wish the opening was a year out, and I could have been in on the decisions for design & usage of space, equipment, furnishings, etc. Coulda, shoulda, woulda... No matter what the timing, this is really going to be an exciting fulfilling and challenging job, and I hope I can impress them in the next round of interviews.

Thanks for taking the time to respond!


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