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Hi everyone.

I'm thrilled that over 25 people have responded to our new book group! I hope all of you have ordered the book and are getting ready to read, engage, and learn together.

I've been looking through the book and thinking about a reasonable schedule for the group, keeping in mind that people will have personal commitments over the winter break and our members are also scattered all over the globe. Meeting everyone's needs will be an exciting challenge.

Before I share my thoughts, I want to say that this is new to me. I've watched book discussions on the English Companion Ning and have been inspired by what happens there. I am definitely taking inspiration from what happens on the EC Ning, but I think we will also add our own flair as we go along. So, I'm going to share what I'm thinking right now, but only as a start to the discussion. Making this work will require everyone's input. I hope everyone will add their ideas and concerns to the mix. That will make our discussion all the more rich, I think.

The book is organized into 4 main parts. The first part appears to be the research background for the inquiry circles approach. I suggest we read/discuss this first main part (Chapters 1-4, about 75 pages) over two weeks, from about 12/20 - 1/3/10.

Then, we can read and discuss the following three parts (Parts 2-4) over the following 6 weeks, at two week intervals. Parts 2-4 are more directed toward application of the principles of inquiry circles in classrooms. These discussions will coincide with many of us going back into libraries after winter holidays. I hope that some of the book examples might be implemented or discussed by our members during this time.

This seems a bit drawn out, but of course you are welcome to read ahead and participate as you are able. We can speed up or slow down as we progress.

As for communication, I think that both synchronous and asynchronous communication would be good - so perhaps a discussion board here where people can post and respond at their convenience, as well as some more formal online chats every couple of weeks. Later in the book, we might open up some discussions for specific grade levels, so, for example, elementary librarians can speak specifically to other elementary level librarians. I think it would also be great for members to pull in and create outside resources such as articles, wikis, Voicethreads, and so on. As long as we link it back here, I am all for seeing the discussion expand in all kinds of interesting ways.

I am probably missing some important elements here, and I hope you will bring them up before the group. (For example, I'm sure the school schedules are different in other countries, and I apologize for my lack of knowledge in that regard!) I think we will all benefit from active participation from everyone.

So, those are my initial ideas. I'm going to get a hold of everyone tonight so you all can join in. Thanks for being flexible and enthusiastic as we forge ahead in this great experiment in learning. I hope it can be the first of many here on the TL Ning.


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Still waiting for my book to arrive. I leave for Christmas holidays on the 17th so it has 4 more mailing days (fingers crossed). Have a hectic Christmas planned with family in sunny Australia (Sunshine Coast) so will try and fit in reading too. I like the slow approach you mention as it is difficult to fit everything in and I want to be able to absorb it all.
Still waiting for mine to arrive as well. Would love to start in January so that all of us can have our copies in time, and for those of us who are traveling in the break, a chance to have some dow time!
Mine just arrived, wonder how much I will get read over Christmas while traveling and catching up with family. January would be a good time to start i think.
Having at least some asynchronous discussion, such as on this Ning group, will allow those folks whose schedule are not as flexible (some of us are in grad school yet again!) to read and post as we can fit it in. Each new question can be its own discussion topic. Synchronous is good too, but won't catch everyone who wants to participate. I am looking forward to engaging in this book with interested colleagues. Thank you for organizing this!


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