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Just spent some time perusing the forum and have come away with a refreshed sense of what I want to accomplish before the end of the year. My colleague is retiring and was speaking with me today about how she can make things easier on me through the end of the school year as she won't be here through the end (and I don't blame her for not wanting to lose some of her sick days, especially expecting a grandson around that time!). I just can't believe that the end of the school year is so close upon us. I was caught up with completing the yearbook until it was over and done with in March. Since then, I've been consumed with helping to plan the prom, but after tomorrow, that'll be over. I recently redid the school and library websites and now am just trying to maintain them and keep them current. Add to that the equipment inventory and state-mandated annual media and technology report and all the "normal" duties of a lms...

It's one project after another without a breath in between, unlike my first year here at this school. I was the only Media Specialist in a different, much smaller building of only 18 classrooms with every teacher floating, and I wasn't getting too much use of the Media Center. I came across some of the digital pics from that first year that I took of displays I had made and can't believe that I had the time to put so much work into them. I started wondering if administration cares that my creativity has gone more digital since then, but of course now we have library science students to do the displays!

After showing initiative and a desire to do more for the school, I've also taken on other hats and stay pretty consistently busy. Though I'll be soon taking classes for something that will take me out of the school environment, I really want to focus next year on continuing the build the library program. The ideas are there, I just need to 1) write them down so I don't forget them (!) and 2) create a great rapport with the new media specialist joining me in August so we make a great team to accomplish these goals!

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