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White Cat (Curseworkers #1) by Holly Black

White Cat (Curse Workers, #1)White Cat by Holly Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Since I really enjoyed the Tithe Series, I knew I was going to love this first book in the Curse Workers series! Cassel "lives" with his two brothers, Phillip (who is married with a baby) and Barron (who attends Princeton) while his mother is in jail. We find out Cassel Sharpe's family are curse workers, but Cassel is not a worker at all. But Cassel apparently killed his friend, Lila; but he doesn't remember anything but standing over Lila and lots of blood. Their mother is in jail for conning a millionaire and Barron is trying to get her out. While she is in jail, Cassel attends a prep school and tries to be normal but he is a bookie and enjoys some small fame. Until he sleep walks and wakes ups on a roof at school and can't get off. Cassel can't remember how he got there but in his dream he was chasing a white cat. While he has been suspended from school, his grandfather comes to help him clean out his house that sounds alot like a hoarder's home with all the junk they are wading through. As his best friend, Sam keeps the bookie business going at school, Cassel sees the white cat and it seems to be "telling" him, he is responsible somehow and must do something. This is a suspenseful, lots of twists and turns novel with Cassel as a very likable hero who at times really hates his worker family; even more when he realizes they are erasing his memory and working him. Holly Black's world of the paranormal is edgy and gritty and students will enjoy Cassel's predicaments, his schemes and how he WORKS his own family! I am really lookng forward to Book 2 Red Glove.

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