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The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman

The Light Between OceansThe Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Many thanks to my sister-in-law, Donna, for recommending this wonderful, compelling, thought provoking read. There are so many threads and themes in this can’t put it down read (I couldn’t sleep and turned the light on at 4 am and read until I finished at 6am!!!) I loved, loved Tom Sherbourne, the tortured soldier and light house keeper who finds peace and love in life with Isabel Greysmark. As the lighthouse keeper of Janus Rock, Tom knows how important the strict adherence to rules is and it is this honor that is crushed when a dinghy washes ashore with a dead man and a baby. Isabel has suffered 3 miscarriages and persuades her husband they must take care of this little infant. As their life with baby, Lucy provides love, contentment and happiness beyond their wildest dreams, Tom is tortured by his decision not to report this incident. The repercussions are felt later and oh how devastating they are. This is a must read, I loved the author’s words, her characters, and the wild and natural settings in Australia of this tug of war. What happens to these three compelling characters? What would you do? You have to read this book and I assure you, you will not be disappointed. There are so many good discussions to be found in this story of fierce and tragic story of love, sacrifice, and forgiveness; a great book club title to be sure.

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