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Have been reading Friedman (The New York Time ) spin on globalisation and of course was interested in his perspective (it is driven by economic models raising questions centred on key indicators of globalisation - insourcing, open-sourcing, informing, offshoring and outsourcing).

For teacher librarians who have focused on connecting students beyond their classmates (1970s-1980s e-pals, electronic book raps come to mind) then his concept of the flattened world is probably a comfortable image in our bid to connect and lead our students in learning across social and geographic spaces. Up until advent of Web 2, we have not had really seamless, robust and fast ways to keep the energy, curiosity and passion up – key attributes in engaged learning.

It takes a well known writer to put a spin on something that has significant merit for teacher librarians. How does the concept of the flat world and all it conjures resonate with where you are as a teacher librarian? Like anything, we can internalise an idea and build new experiences/ new spins but where does the concept lead you.

Have a look a this the quintessential use of Web 2 for learning and teaching?

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Comment by June Keuhn on May 11, 2007 at 5:59pm
You should hook up with Jacqui Henry-she just did a great class project/presentation based on this.

A Learning Revolution Project

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