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rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wow, wow, wow! My friends Mary Alice and Doris highly recommended this book (thank you!)and I must confess it took me toooo long to get to finally read it---along the way---I lent it to a mom and she lent it to her daughter and they CRIED but oh did they love it AND SO DID I!!!! I just love the way Jordan Sonneblick gets it- the right on 13 year old musings of Steven, his fear and anger and his constantly annoying little brother. I couldn't put this book down, polished it off in 2 days and I miss it already. I just loved the way Sonneblick takes leukemia and helps us laugh with Steven's humorous take on girls, Jeffrey, drums and his mom and dad. There were so many times I wanted to read it out loud to whoever would listen---for a great book about family, friends and dealing with cancer- THIS IS A MUST READ! What did I learn---alot about cancer, hospitals, drums and drumming and that being 13 years old has alot of drama goin' on. Now I have to read his other book- The Art of Zen and Faking It.

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Comment by bj neary on December 3, 2008 at 12:21pm
Yes I agree but we have so many reluctant readers the we purchase many middle school books because of the lower reading levels and when I booktalk it I don't mention the characters ages. Students have taken it out and told me they love the story....just a heads up two of the characters returns in Notes from a Midnight driver and now they are 16 years old. It is told in Sonneblick's funny tone but about some serious stuff---so I recommend this one for High School---drinking, community service, girls!
Comment by Tiff E. on December 3, 2008 at 11:17am
I loved this book, too - but did you feel it would be better for middle school? I bought Zen for my library but again, I feel it is a little young for my 9-12 graders.

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