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David Loertscher in SL: Reinventing School Libraries

If you're like me, you are continually thinking about what's next, for our profession and for the learners we serve.

Every conversation I have ever had with the phenomenal David Loertscher (whom I consider a mentor), forces me to further consider and often to refine or rethink my vision.

Don't miss this opportunity to meet David in Second Life.

On behalf of ISTE's SIG-MS and AASL, Lisa Perez (aka Elaine Tulip) invites us all to attend Reinventing School Libraries and Computer Labs: The Time Has Come! The event takes place Tuesday, October 21 at 8pm ET/7pm CT/6pm MT/5pm PT.

Here's the provocative official description:

The advent of the Google Generation, who usually ignore the school library and surpass easily what is being taught in computer labs, causes us all to re-examine the entire model of school libraries designed fifty years ago. It requires the re-examination of everything we learned in library and technology education. It means starting with the customer to build information and technology systems that get used and that push learners toward excellence. David Loertscher will take us on a tour of a completely re-thought learning commons where all the specialists, not just teacher librarians or teacher technologiests operate, but a place that is really the heart of teaching and learning in the school. You can read his ideas in advance in the new book: The New School Learning Commons Where Learners Win, available from LMC Source. In any event, come not just to listen, but get in the creative mood yourself to examine bold new strategies equal to the excellence in education this country must pursue. Visit the companion wiki to continue the discussion.

Instructions for joining the discussion:

Log onto Second Life 15 minutes prior to the meeting time. Instant message Elaine Tulip for a teleport to the meeting location or use the SLURL.

New to Second Life?

To set up an account to join Second Life, do the following:

1. Go to the Second Life website several days in advance to set up your free basic account.
2. Verify that your computer and connectivity meets the systems requirements/
3. Click on the orange Get Started! button. Go through the subsequent screens to create your avatar account.
4. Download and install the Second Life viewer software.
5. Open the software and log into Second Life using your avatar first name, last name, and password. Watch your avatar be born. Complete the orientation activities to learn about how to communicate, move, search, and edit your appearance.
6. When finished, search Places for locations such as Chicago Public Schools, ISTE, or the American Library Association. Teleport to a favorite location, explore, and become acquainted with Second Life. (When searching, make sure the “search mature places” square is checked.)
7. Fifteen minutes prior to scheduled meetings, log on and IM Elaine Tulip for a teleport to the meeting location or use the SLURL.

I hope to see many of you in-world!

Views: 276


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Comment by Joyce Valenza on April 7, 2009 at 6:43am
Thanks, Brian! It was lots of fun.Wish we had more time. I'll be at NECC, ALA, AASL, and BLC in the next few months. Say hello if you're there too.
Comment by brian.luke.thomas on April 6, 2009 at 11:15pm
I wanted to thank you for your inspirational words and ideas in our SJSU Elluminate session tonight. You are brilliant. Your point about the school librarian being the voice of intellectual freedom went straight to my heart. Thank you. I hope you are speaking at conferences!

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