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Brainypics: "Imaginary Conversation" Winners

Good job, everybody! Your students created over 540 Brainypics last week, which beat the previous record by about 100 pics. Wow. And we were quite impressed by those students who were up for the challenge of imagining fake conversations. Clearly, they are as crazy as we are, if not moreso. Hahaha.

Here are 5 words to help on the SAT & ACT courtesy of our very deserving winners. Enjoy!

EDIT: In case you didn't understand this Brainypic, Brittney is being fatuous for thinking that fatuous means fat. Get it? Pretty clever!

The creators of these Brainypics were Emilychat, Lsliker, Ben Fiat, Drewprice11 and Dynamofan999, who has been submitting Brainypics for a few weeks now without ever getting picked but finally broke through with persistence and a rad Brainypic :D

If you are bummed that your students did not get picked, don't be! They've got 4 more weeks to earn iTunes and compete for our $200 Grand Prize.

This week's theme: Your Funniest Photos. Yep, we want photos the kids have taken, and the photos can be of anything: your dog chasing its tail, the nasty food served in your cafeteria, whateva. Just make it yours and make it funny

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