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Eternal KnightEternal Knight by Matt Heppe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Many thanks to Judy and Shelley Meier for lending and recommending this awesome, couldn't put it down book! Matt Heppe wove a compelling tale of Hadde (very strong female protagonist)who is a Huntress from Landomere and must venture out to another kingdom, Salador, to save her people from The Wasting. Her people won't survive the winter without her help; once she finds a orb that will bring much needed money to her starving, dying people, she sets off. What I enjoyed about this book was the differences in cultures, The people of Landomere live off the land in lush forests (when The Wasting isn't killing them)where men and women are equal, do not read, welcome everyone and are not afraid of sex and nudity while the people of Salador are class constricted, male dominated, educated and very formal about titles and distrustful of Hadde. When Hadde gets to Salador she is forbidden to leave by the king. I enjoyed Hadde's persona; she was fearless, she loved her horse, she was able to shoot a bow and arrow flawlessly and she was a true leader, always putting her people first. And those Eternal Knights, you just have to read this book to find out who they are!!! I can't wait for the next book!

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