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Waiting For You by Susane Colasanti

Waiting For YouWaiting For You by Susane Colasanti
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am working my way through reading all of Susane Colasanti's books and I really enjoyed this book!
Marisa is a 9th grader and she and her best friend Sterling think this is the year they have been waiting for! They reinvent themselves every year and this is no different, Marisa has an anxiety disorder that she keeps quiet about but she has been seeing a doctor and she can keep it under control when the warning signs start. Thanks to her wonderful, supportive family, Marisa feels she is luck since most of her friends have families with no parental support or single parents who have been deserted by their partner. Since Marisa has been secretly in love with Derek, she can;t believe he asks her out and they begin to date. She has a good friend, Nash who is unbelievably smart, kind, and geeky. She has always felt really comfortable around Nash but in middle school, the distance between them began to grow. Now that they are in chemistry together, they are lab partners and meet weekly. There is also an anonymous guy on the web at night who seems to be able to understand and help all the teens in her school with their problems by writing in to his show. It is when Nash's girlfriend breaks up with him, Derek seems to be inattentive to Marisa, and Marisa learns that her parents are separating that Marisa's world and anxiety come crashing down, HARD. Will Marisa be able to help herself, forgive her parents and let her friends in, while she is wishing for that special someone? Girls will love this Colsanti book about high school, friends, and lrelationships.

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