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I just thought I would pass this along. I've taken other URI online courses and they have been great. If you are using this Ning and other Web 2.0 tools you probably don't need the pre-requisite courses. They need a few more participants to run this course, so if you are interested please register ASAP. Below are the details



NEW internet online course: EDC 923: Workshop for Teachers, TOPIC: Online Collaboration Exploration.

Registration deadline, July 3 2009

Registration cost: $500.00*
(If you have never taken a course at URI before, the course cost is $535.00 which includes a onetime transcript fee charge of $35.00)

This course is an opportunity for technologically adept educators to become educational visionaries committed to professional development through strictly online planning, collaboration and reflection.

Course Instructor: Dave Fontaine, NBCT

Class Meeting dates: July 13-24, 2009*
*Students will need to participate in every session’s online synchronous collaboration discussion which will meet online UNINTERRUPTED on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9 until noon on (Tuesdays) July 14, 21 and (Thursdays) July 16 and 23.

Participants must have high-speed internet access, a technologically inquisitive mind, openness to explore emerging technology and willingness to share.

Logistical Requirements:
· STRONGLY RECOMMENDED--(2) of the following courses successfully completed: EDC920, EDC921, EDC922 (This isn't mandatory if you feel that you are already 'well-versed' in using online applications.)
· Windows 98 compatible computer access (or better)
· High-Speed Internet Access
· Headset and microphone (already integrated into computer system) This means that you know how to use it to speak and hear.
· Access to webcam, scanner, digital camera, VPU and other technologies may be very handy depending on tasks at hand, but not mandatory.

Course Description:
This course will utilize online collaborative programs to identify obstacles and opportunities to educational progress in online collaboration addressing 3 areas of collaboration: student-to-student, lesson planning among peers, and professional development. Participants will gain hands-on experience with, evaluate potentials of, and propose plans for use of online collaborative lesson/meetings in their own school settings.

Extended Description: This course will use both asynchronous posting (blog) and synchronous discussion (online meetings). It is strongly recommended that interested participants have already taken (2) of the following URI EDC 900 level Workshops for Teachers: EDC 586 (formerly EDC 920) TOPIC: Using the Internet for Teaching, Learning, & Practical Applications, EDC 586 (formerly EDC 921) TOPIC: Using Blogs and Wikis to Foster Literacy, or EDC 922 TOPIC: Online texts in the 21st Century Classroom.

This graduate level course is designed to be highly interactive and investigative. As technology evolves, the use of online collaboration offers the possibilities of ongoing, dynamic educational content creation in any number of mediums (i.e. Word, Excel) and accessed from remote locations. Technology has evolved to a degree that no longer do student projects, lesson plans or professional development initiatives have to be confined to a single location. Teachers (as well as teaching practices) need to undergo the same evolution to meet the needs of the workplace in the 21st Century.
As noted in all the previous EDC920-922 “online courses”, the Internet (via such tools as search engines, blogs, wikis, digital textbooks...) attempts to keep pace with a rapidly changing, dynamic and ever-growing collection of information and content. Collaborative cataloging, collaborative discussion, collaborative content, and collaborative authoring tools abound. Everywhere professionals and students alike are working together on ever increasing quantities and qualities of materials without ever having to travel.
The course will address 3 areas of collaboration: student-to-student, lesson planning among peers, and professional development. As this is a collaborative experience designed to meet the needs of the participants enrolled, all participants will be required to fully participate in all 3 areas during the course.

Participants of this course will:
· Understand basic concepts of online collaboration.
· Meet and network with like-minded, technologically eager, educational professionals.
· Identify potential areas of educational use of online collaboration.
· Formulate teams of common interest on targeted topics.
· Share and heighten common depth of knowledge regarding online collaborative endeavors.
· Create opportunities to bring these technologies to the larger school community.
· Prepare to incorporate these tools into professional practice.
· Develop a supportive, reflective virtual professional community around online collaboration
· Use Vyew (or better) platform as a foundation for future online collaborative endeavors.

Registration Contact: Christine P. Dolan at [ ]

Christine P. Dolan
Education Specialist
URI/CCE Providence Campus
Special Programs Room 208
80 Washington Street
Providence, RI 02903
Office: 401.277.5388
Fax: 401-277-5060

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