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RipperRipper by Stefan Petrucha
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thanks Sally for reviewing this for me for PSLA 2013! Carver Young, Finn Walker and Delia Stephens are all orphans living at Ellis Orphanage in the 1800s when they learn the orphanage is closing. All three are adopted, Delia by a New York Times reporter and his wife, Finn by the District Attorney and his wife and Carver by Albert Hawking of the New Pinkerton Agency. Finn finds himself living in an insane asylum with his mentor searching for his father. The only information he has is a letter sent to the orphanage that throws Carver into the middle of mayhem. Jack the Ripper has surfaced in New York and is killing wealthy socialite women, and scaring all New Yorkers. The New Pinkerton Agency is trying to solve the crimes. Carver realizes the letter from his father looks an awful lot like the notes Jack the Ripper is sending to the police and New York Times; a suspenseful adventure begins involving Carver, Delia, and Finn.

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