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Through the Ever Knight by Veronica Rossi

Through the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky, #2)Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this 2nd installment of Under the Never Sky, the worlds of Aria and Perry are breaking down. The Aether is becoming more punishing and taking away lives and eroding the land. p. 143 - "The Aether flowed, corded and angry, giving the night a blue, marbled glow. After the storm, the calm skies had only held for a day. Now there was little difference between day and night anymore. Days were darkened by clouds and the blue cast of Aether. Nights were brightened by the same. They flowed together, the edges blurring into an endless day. An ever night."
Aria and Perry are definitely together but have to hide their relationship. Perry's people, the Tides, dislike her because she is a Dweller- not one of them. Perry realizes in order to save his people, they will have to leave their land and live in a cave underground. Perry knows the only way to keep his people alive is to get to the Still Blue. The Still Blue is a rumor, gossip that people have been talking about. Together Perry, Roar, Marron, and Aria realize they must make contact with Sable, the leader of the Horns, who has the coordinates and knowledge of what it needed to get to the Still Blue. But Sable is an evil character. Perry's brother sent his sister, Liv to become Sable's wife---and in turn food, animals and supplies would help keep the starving Tides alive a little longer. I could not put this book down; there is so much drama going on and as Perry becomes their Blood Lord (very graphic description!!!) he begins to question himself in every way as a person and a leader, but he only grew in my estimation. I never tired of Rossi's language, her descriptions, and her use of characters. I am so looking forward to Book 3!!! Highly recommended!

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