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bookshelves: read, biography (edit)
status: Read in December, 2008
review: I found Nic Sheff's account of his many relapses and ongoing battle with addictions very believable. Addictions make you a person who doesn't care what you do to others as long as you are high on meth, cocaine, whatever your drug or alchohol of choice is....until the next time and the next time. You become a liar, a thief, an enemy to your family and friends just to continue your craving for the next and even more lethal high. I can't wait to read Beautiful Boy, his dad's account of his son's...more I found Nic Sheff's account of his many relapses and ongoing battle with addictions very believable. Addictions make you a person who doesn't care what you do to others as long as you are high on meth, cocaine, whatever your drug or alchohol of choice is....until the next time and the next time. You become a liar, a thief, an enemy to your family and friends just to continue your craving for the next and even more lethal high. I can't wait to read Beautiful Boy, his dad's account of his son's addictions. I find these memoirs compelling, teens love them and the fact that Nic is now recovering is what is most important---not that he is a great writer---just that he is a person who now cares about his family, friends and being a better person and making it through each day with honesty and integrity

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