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Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Coast by Cheryl Strayed

Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest TrailWild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

At age 22, Cheryl Strayed’s mother is diagnosed with cancer and very quickly dies; Cheryl is devastated. Her mother loved all of her children very much and Cheryl couldn’t deal with her illness and all too quickly her death and departure from Cheryl’s life. In the four years after; her family disintegrates and her marriage ends. An idea forms and Cheryl works and saves money to hike to Pacific Crest Trail. She reads guide books and consults with REI about her clothes, boots, and all the essential gear she will need to accompany her on the 2,663 mile long trail. She mails money and supply boxes to lodges along the way. The 1200 miles that she traverses takes her from California, through Oregon, Nevada and Washington. She meets people along the way, battles all kinds of problems on her way to rediscovering herself. Readers will be thoroughly engaged in Cheryl’s story, each step she took, each monumental moment she encountered along the trail. I laughed with her, I cried with her but most of all I cheered with her.

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