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Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, #4)Winter by Marissa Meyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

OMG, I LOVED Winter and Meyer's whole Lunar Chronicle series!!! I am so sad it is over BUT I have so many great memories to continue to replay over and over again about the awesome cast of characters! This final 4th book features characters we have come to know and love-Cinder, Kai, Scarlet, Wolf, Cress, Thorne, Winter, Jacin, and Iko. There was also a cast of characters to abhor and wish very bad ends to as well- Levana, Aimory, and those nasty thermatauges controlling and contorting people to Levana's evil wiles. Cinder's fight to be Queen was a valiant one with many new characters helping her attain her goal of helping all of those down trodden subjects on Luna, the shells, the wolves (bioengineered to fight)and the diseased people on Earth battling a deathly. I read this in a week- I could have sat and read it in one sitting but can you believe it? Life got in the way, so I snatched as much time as I could and savored/devoured this fairytale mix of rebellion, rising up against evil and falling in love. I highly recommend this series and this 4th book was satisfying in so many ways- you just have to read it!!!

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