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Dennis O'Connor's Comments

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At 8:33am on February 3, 2012, Mike McQueen said…

Greetings Dennis, 

I'm Mike McQueen, teacher librarian and founder of Like many school districts, we are in a financial crises. Our school board recently proposed to eliminate ALL 20+ middle school teacher librarians and also cut all 90+ elementary schools to half time. Since we are the biggest district in all of Colorado, we worry this will cause other districts to follow suit. We launched an online movement and are going to do our best to put up a good fight.

If possible, please visit our Facebook page and "Like" us . Adding a positive comment and sharing with your friends would help our morale as well. The board finalizes the budget soon so your timely support would be greatly appreciated!


Mike McQueen

Teacher Librarian at McLain HS

Lakewood, CO

At 4:04pm on May 28, 2009, Mike McQueen said…
Hey Dennis,
I'm intrigued by what happen, but not 100% clear. Can you elaborate a little more. I love how these connections can occur :-)

Here is your message:
"Hi Mike, thanks for the reach out. How's this for synergies, I added Joyce Valenza to my twitter list and scrolled through her followers just yesterday. I recognized your name when you wrote!"
At 1:11am on May 28, 2009, Mike McQueen said…
Hi Dennis,
I'm a teacher librarian & recently started a community based blog for getting boys to read - Please send me a friend request if you'd like to network, share ideas, and learn more about getting boys to read.

Mike McQueen

LET'S NETWORK HERE TOO (request me as a friend):
My TWITTER Profile</</body>
At 4:47am on June 22, 2008, Glen Warren said…
I will be at NECC We will be having a hook up at NECC with the ALA conference in Anaheim using TLVN. Like to invite you if you have the time. Otherwise, hope to see you at NECC.
At 7:36am on October 1, 2007, Christine Bushong said…
Thank you for the warm welcome, Dennis. I'm looking forward to sharing with everyone.
At 4:40am on October 1, 2007, Nooruddin Merchant said…
hi Dennis,

Nice to hear from you about your passion and interest. Hope we will interact and learn from each others' experiences. I will share few insights about my work here in Pakistan with you shortly.

At 9:16am on September 28, 2007, Pam Buysman said…
Hi Dennis:
I have to admit I'm just starting to explore these resources. The state of Iowa recently reinstated teacher librarians back in the code, so AEAs are trying to offer professional development opportunities to help them meet the new requirements of the law. Of course information literacy will be a huge part of this! I'm excited about the possibilities! Thanks.
At 8:52pm on September 27, 2007, Julie Coiro said…
Hi Dennis,
Thanks for the invitation to join the group and it is nice to meet you online! I am a huge fan of the Information Fluency website - in fact, I just did a keynote talk at the New England Reading Association today with Don Leu and we mentioned your site and demonstrated the great supports available for online critical evaluation.

I am looking forward to learning from/with all of you as I think we have a lot of common interests!

:-) Julie
At 12:36pm on September 27, 2007, Jose Aranda said…
Hi Dennis-
Just joined and look forward to networking with some neat people. I enjoy your website 21century and have used it as a reference in an upcoming manuscript I'm hoping to publish soon.
Take care,
At 12:13pm on September 27, 2007, Dennis O'Connor said…
Hi Joan, I'm glad you found me here! Carl and I are launching an information fluency group here in TeacherLibrarianNing. Click groups and you'll see us! Why not join?

Anyone in our class who sets up an account, will get one of our newsletters announcing this. Perhaps that's the way you found us?

I can tell you're having fun in class!

At 11:37am on September 27, 2007, Joan Kapstein said…
Hi Dennis--I am still having fun! Joan K.
At 3:55pm on September 10, 2007, Susan Geiger said…
Dennis, I'm a huge fan of 21cif, and I'm glad to be part of this group. Yes we are just at the bottom of the hill from what is now Cal-State East bay.
At 11:59pm on August 2, 2007, Dennis O'Connor said…
Sandy, I just changed the settings on the class we have in session right now. Now you can see what we are up to by logging in as guest.

Go to:

Login as guest

Join PowerSearching in a Web 2.0 world.

We're in the final week of class.

At 5:44pm on August 2, 2007, Sandy Rowland said…
Your work sounds most interesting. I tried to take a look at the Power Searching class, but login guest did not work.
At 1:42pm on May 25, 2007, Sara Kelly Johns said…
yes, integration is the best way it should happen, IMHO. I wish I could go to NECC this year to be in your workshop but will have to settle for online materials and workshops this year. ALA is at the exact same time and, as AASL prez-elect, I have to show up ;-D. I spent a little time this morning looking at the draft new standards for AASL and the NETS draft refreshed standards and, surprise, there is a lot of overlap--as there should be.
At 12:49pm on May 25, 2007, Sara Kelly Johns said…
my poor neglected blog...the number of entries that have been written in my head...sigh.

My district is writing an information fluency curriculum this summer with the two librarians (Lake Placid is a VERY small district), two computer people and about 10 teachers. I know I will be referring to your project quite a bit since it enhances what we are already doing and want to focus.

Thanks for the inspiration! Sara
At 5:25pm on May 23, 2007, Joyce Valenza said…
Welcome aboard, Dennis! Glad you found our Ning!
At 3:07pm on May 23, 2007, Karen Land said…
YES ....although I am newly retired...I will always present my books at Greenport School for free....your Moodle based class sounds intriguing...I am going to take a peek...Karen
At 12:42am on May 23, 2007, Dennis O'Connor said…
The 21CIF Project is piloting a new online class in Wisconsin called PowerSearching in a Web 2.0 world.

The pilot is now running with a small group. We'll gather data from the test run and refine (as always).

This is a Moodle based class that we hope to refine and make available across the country in the Fall. The course is open for Guest inspection. You can see how to use our flash games and micromodules in an online setting to teach searching, evaluating, and ethical use of digital materials.

Find it here:

Login: guest
No password required

See you online!

Dennis O'Connor
21CIF Project

A Learning Revolution Project

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Personal Learning Networks for Librarians  Curated by Donna Watt

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