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Bitsy Griffin
  • Female
  • Winston Salem, NC
  • United States
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  • Deonne Melissa Barnes
  • Neil Brewer

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Houston Texas
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I still don’t know what I want to do in life. I suffer from a severe case of wanderlust.

I seriously envy those of you who are settled and don’t spend your life dreaming of exotic places. I have truly loved everything I’ve done and every place I’ve been. For a season. But for the lack of time and money, I would have a dozen degrees and sit in a house with furniture that was all handmade by me sitting on rugs all handcrafted by me. I would travel to the ends of the earth as an archeologist, a biblical scholar, just to see it’s beaches. I want to do things right. I want to do things quickly to move on to the next thing. I would read every mystery known to man. I would work through every math book but for time and wait . . . something else has come along that has caught my fancy.

So, I’m a teacher, mother, wife, writer, mathematician, librarian, craftsman, student . . . jack of all trades.
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At 11:20am on June 22, 2012, Bitsy Griffin said…

ha! Thanks for letting me know. I didn't see a typo in it, but I went and copy and pasted it to be sure. Hopefully it will work now! Thanks again and thanks for the welcome!

At 10:58am on June 22, 2012, bj neary said…

Hello, Bitsy!  Your address for your blog doesn't exist, you might want to check it out.

Welcome to TLNing, this will be a great place to make friends and collaborate, add blog posts, TL Scoop.its, and discussions, add photos and videos.  Enjoy!


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Teacher Librarians of the 21st Century Curated by Mrs. N Ideas and Resources for the 21st Century Teacher Librarian

Libraries as Sites of Enchantment, Participatory Culture, and Learning Curated by Buffy J. Hamilton Ideas and resources to develop the concept of libraries as sites of participatory culture and learning

Personal Learning Networks for Librarians  Curated by Donna Watt

Staying ahead of the game, managing your own professional development, joining the dots

SchoolLibrariesTeacherLibrarians Curated by Joyce Valenza News for teacher librarians

What is a teacher librarian?  Curated by Tania Sheko Defining the role of teacher librarians for those who think we just look after books

Teacher librarians and transliteracy Curated by Sue Krust Explore the evolving role of the teacher librarian

Teacher-Librarian Curated by Librarian@HOPE Best sites and resources on the web for teacher-librarians

ResearChameleon on School Libraries Curated by Kathy Malatesta Teaching, mentoring & leading in today’s school libraries

Student Learning through School Libraries Curated by lyn_hay Building evidence of impact through research and professional practice

SCIS  Curated by SCIS News and resources about school libraries

Educational Technology and Libraries Curated by Kim Tairi In libraries we teach, we learn and many of us are early adopters of technology. This is your scoop on those things.

21st Century Libraries Curated by Dr. Steve Matthews all things 21st Century library related

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