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Yolan Mistele
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  • Suzanne Zellmann

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19 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by LARRY RETZACK Dec 30, 2008.


Yolan Mistele's Page

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Arbor Vitae, WI
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Retired LMS who worked in a high school. Still learning, active with state organization, WEMTA.
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Yolan Mistele's Blog

K12 Online Conference 2008

Mark your calendars now for the upcoming online conference!

"The K-12 Online Conference invites participation from educators around the world interested in innovative ways Web 2.0 tools and technologies can be used to improve learning. This FREE conference is run by volunteers and open to everyone. The 2008 conference theme is “Amplifying Possibilities”. This year’s conference begins with a pre-conference keynote the week of October 13, 2008. The following two weeks,… Continue

Posted on September 19, 2008 at 1:07am


I will be attending this conference which has already begun with a preconference session with David Warlick. I signed up for audio podcasts which I thought would help me decide which video sessions to attend. I've listened to David Warlick who demonstrates the lack of boundaries to communication that now exist, yet also the need to create new…


Posted on October 13, 2007 at 12:29am

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At 8:10am on February 2, 2012, Mike McQueen said…

Greetings Yolan,

I'm Mike McQueen, teacher librarian and founder of Like many school districts, we are in a financial crises. Our school board recently proposed to eliminate ALL 20+ middle school teacher librarians and also cut all 90+ elementary schools to half time. Since we are the biggest district in all of Colorado, we worry this will cause other districts to follow suit. We launched an online movement and are going to do our best to put up a good fight.

If possible, please visit our Facebook page and "Like" us . Adding a positive comment and sharing with your friends would help our morale as well. The board finalizes the budget soon so your timely support would be greatly appreciated!


Mike McQueen

Teacher Librarian at McLain HS

Lakewood, CO

At 9:03am on May 27, 2009, Mike McQueen said…
Hi Yolan,
I'm a teacher librarian & recently started a community based blog for getting boys to read - Please send me a friend request if you'd like to network, share ideas, and learn more about getting boys to read.

Mike McQueen

LET'S NETWORK HERE TOO (request me as a friend):
My TWITTER Profile</</body>
At 1:41pm on August 21, 2008, LARRY RETZACK said…
Hi Yolen,

Thanks again for all your help. I was able to download/print the list of school library jobs you sent & am still using it. I've applied for several public library directorships in Winneconne, Webster, Brown Deer, Black Creek, etc. as well, but am still unemployed. Stoughton High's Prin. telephoned me & I was hoping for a 1-yr position there but then it was filled. It's since been reopened but I'm not optimistic. In any case, I keep trying. I'm just grateful that after giving up,my final letter to the DPI worked & I finally got a new 900 Librarian-Media Specialist license. Now, if I can just find a job to put it to good use. Thanks again for all your help.
At 1:25am on January 6, 2008, LARRY RETZACK said…
Yolan, thanks for the headsup. I'll visit that site ASAP & get registered though I'm still working on getting documentation from the feds in St. Louis to verify my DoD experience in order to get licensed. Thanks again for your help.
At 8:38pm on November 20, 2007, LARRY RETZACK said…
Yolan, as for my Wis. roots, I was born in Plover, near Stevens Pt., raised in Omro, near Oshkosh, & went to undergrad in Eau Claire. Subbed in Oshkosh & then 1 yr in CA before leaving for Japan for 32 yrs. I've been in CA again now for 4 yrs & am permanently headed back to Wis. next yr.
At 11:21am on November 20, 2007, LARRY RETZACK said…
Yolen, I'm unfamiliar with Arbor Vitae, but am determined to return to my Midwest roots in America's Dairyland as soon as possible next summer. I'm currently under contract @ Colton (CA) High until June 15th, and am working on getting my Wis. Librarian-Media Teacher license. I've registered with 2 educator online job sites & will register with at least one more soon. In any case, if you are aware of any school library jobs, I'd be grateful for that information. I'd like to locate anywhere between Eau Claire, Oshkosh, and Milwaukee.
At 4:44pm on October 14, 2007, Suzanne Zellmann said…
Hi Yolan - Yes, I am a WEMTA member. I am happy that the WEMTA conference is back in Milwaukee this year because I would like to convince an administrator to attend. I have presented at the conference the past few years, and I always leave feeling renewed about what we do. Although I have a couple of active book discussion groups, I had not planned on developing a Battle of the Books group this year. (I hope to participate in the program at some point.) What type of time does a secondary school normally devote to promoting this program? Thanks for the contact.

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