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I was looking around School Library Learning 2.0 and followed a link to where a discussion had started about five suggestions of things you could try in the your public library. I think a number could easily apply to school libraries as well. What would your five why nots be?

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Great question, Lesley!

For a high school library:
Why not...
1. Allow iPods in the library so students can better focus (as they claim) and cut-down on the chit-chat?

2. Put chess and checkers boards in the library as an alternative to constantly battling with the online video games?

3. Open the library up to community members one night a week (or more!)?

4. Merge the reference into the non-fiction collection? (okay, I admit we actually are in the process of doing this now)

5. Host a summer book club for the students?
We do allow iPods but not cell phones. Have you thought of doing an online summer book club? I'm experimenting with a wiki just now but need to learn a lot more before I feel confident enough to use it with a group.
What a great idea! I am seriously going to consider this. Thanks for the suggestion!
An online summer book club is a great idea. Would a blog or discussion forum work better than a wiki?

Although pbwiki has added Yackpack, which is a voice chat, so that would liven up the wiki site.
Nice meme, thanks Lesley. Some offhand thoughts for our middle school:

1. Completely banish the notion that the Library is meant to be a quiet place. As I often remind teachers, "Choosing a book is a social activity." They are, after all TEENAGERS. I would assiduously defend the notion of respect for others, but try to efface the rules and expectations that make the place feel institutional.

2. Enable IM, at least for the Library computers, both admin and student.

3. Open up blogging, with comments, which is currently impossible under district IT policy. Before anybody starts shrieking, the safety/security of the students is, has always been, and always should be our primary concern, followed very closely by passionate commitment to learning. Beyond that, our worries should never be, "Is there any reason we shouldn't do this?" but instead (once the primary concerns have been covered), "How can we get this done and how quickly?"

4. More gaming, video and otherwise, depending on preference.

5. Bring more people -- parents and other stakeholders -- into the Library, possibly during the evening. Also a more vibrant and community-oriented website (this I am working on now).
1. Allow food at the tables in the library (far from the computers but it might help the mess left by "snaky eaters."

2. Allow I-Pods to cut down on talking and as a storage device.

3. Host a bi-monthy evening parent/student book discussion group.

4. Start a student Ning for book and research discussions.

5. Start a faculty Ning.


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