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This is such a basic question, but... do you let students take home books over winter break? I let students take home library books over Thanksgiving break and there was a slight increase in lost books. That was just a five day break; I'm afraid of them having books for 2 1/2 weeks. I work at a Title I school, so I know many of them don't have books at home to read over the break. But, if they lose a book and then can't pay for it, they won't be able to check out new books!

I considered asking K-2 to return all books and to let the teachers use their judgment for 3rd-5th. What do you do for books over long breaks?

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What a great question! I ask myself this question every time we have a long break. I wish I had a good answer, but I don't. I want them to read, but don't want to lose too many books. However, what I have noticed lately is that the kids start to limit themselves. If they know they are going away on a break, they often don't check out. This year I am going to be loosey-goosey with checkout and see how it goes.


I can understand your dilemma. The person whom I followed in the library some 30 years ago always had students bring books back before a holiday. I know from my and my daughter's experience that breaks are really the only time kids, especially high school students, have time to read. So I changed the policy and encouraged students to check out extra books over breaks and holidays, including summer vacation. Those wonderful books do no one any good sitting on shelves. In all those years I never had a lost book, except for 2 that were in a house that was destroyed by fire.

No one needs to know if one of your students does lose a book. You can forgive that if the circumstances warrant so books can be checked out for the remainder of the year. I think the better good comes from having books in kids' hands.


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