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Hello All

I really need some advice on this one.
I'm new to International schools and Asia.
Our magazine collection is too mature (lots of trade mags such as Smithsonian, New Scientist).
And it is too Americentric (too many US publications, not enough Internationalness).

I really need recommendations for educational mags for sciences, humanities, languages, etc (US or not). And some non-US options.

Thanks in advance.

Alan Jacques
British International School
HCMC, Vietnam

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These are my thoughts on magazines for my IB school. We have access to a large amount of magazines and journals paid for by our school, district and state electronically. Here is a link to my database page These databases include magazines and journals from all over the world. If you could only subscribe to one...I recommend Global Issues in Context. It's a brand new Gale Database. So, new in fact that I have not updated my web page with that button since we just got access about a week ago (it's on my todo list).
The electronic resources are what students use for academic research. I subscribe to magazines for pleasure reading in the library because I have no room to store/archive huge amounts of magazines. But I keep the international thing in mind. I get BBC History, Phosphore (French), People en Espanol (Spanish) and the Economist. For "fun" magazines I get Car & Driver, Discover, Entertainment, Fast Company, Fitness, Forbes, Latina, Macworld, MotorTrend, Newsweek, PC Magazine, Redbook, Self, Seventeen, Shojo Beat, Teen Vogue, Time and Wired. I try to have some serious current event magazines, girl magazines and boy magazines. Some DO apply to our IB history, IB econ and Science courses, but when students need back issues, they go directly to the databases because it's a lot easier to find than flipping through 20 issues to find the article they might have been thinking about (I do not pay for any indexes).

So my students have electronic access to 1000s of international journals and magazines for classroom purposes. They use them at school and they use them from home. My physical copies of magazines are for pleasure reading in the library and I buy them to reflect my students interests (cars, fashion, manga, current events, movies and technology).

This post is longer than I intended. If you have any questions, please email me.

Klaudia Janek, MLIS
International Academy
Bloomfield Hills, MI 480304


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