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Web 2.0 in the Library World


Web 2.0 in the Library World

This group is for those who wish to share about using collaborative Web 2.0 tools in their library instruction. Here we can discuss what tools we are using, make connections for collaboration, and celebrate our technological triumphs!

Members: 257
Latest Activity: Oct 19, 2015

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Wikis for middle school 13 Replies

Started by Stephanie Paul. Last reply by Laura Philip Jan 27, 2012.

Great Way to Share eBooks

Started by Kim Piot Jan 27, 2012.

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Comment by Karen Dumas on June 27, 2011 at 4:24pm
Thanks Kate and Cheryl for the ideas RE flexible scheduling. My principal is very supportive of the change. Thanks again.
Comment by Kate McCarron on June 27, 2011 at 5:52am
The big benefit of a flexible schedule is that we sit down with the grade level teachers to schedule thier library time so we are collaborating and tying into their curriculum and what they are doing in the classroom. 
Comment by Cheryl Wolf on June 26, 2011 at 9:08am
Karen, The pros of a flexible schedule is that you can work more deeply with a group and see them at natural times of need for instruction.  It's a  more organic way of working. The cons are that some teachers never book time in the library, which then becomes an issue of equity for the students.  I see all lower grades (PreK-2) on a fixed schedule, and have flexible times for the rest.  Good luck!
Comment by Karen Dumas on June 25, 2011 at 10:33pm
Hello everyone. Looking for info and ideas for changing our elementary school library from a fixed to a flexible schedule. Would love to hear from other TLs who have made this kind of change. Pros ? Cons ? I have the theory but would appreciate your wisdom. As well, I am working to create an online tool for showing off the library and pulling together online tools for our students, staff, and families.... wondering if the wiki or the blog is better ? Cheers from Canada !
Comment by Rosemary Zummak on January 24, 2011 at 8:54pm
Hello everyone! I am new to this group. I am always so inspired when I see and hear what others are doing. I have been working with our third grade students to create culture glogsters. If you haven't tried glogster yet, you are in for a big treat when you do! The kids loved it and learned a lot! Now I need inspiration for 2nd grade 'continent' project - any ideas?
Comment by bj neary on November 30, 2010 at 6:43pm

Joyce's New Tools Wikispace will definitely provide 70 minutes of the latest, greatest ideas!
Comment by Alexis Cuff on November 29, 2010 at 6:12am
Here is the link to a Glogster I created. All the tools have educational uses.
GlogsterI highly suggest you look at teachersfirst.comAll the tools relate to education and the summary includes lesson ideas and rates the amount of tech knowledge the teacher might need to use the tool in the classroom.
More resources are collected in the table at the bottom of the page.
Comment by Kate Thompson on November 28, 2010 at 9:02pm
I'm in the process of preparing for a Web 2.0 presentation for secondary teachers on January 4. Any great ideas for a 70 min one size fits all presentation. Please send my way !!!!
Comment by Joy Rosario on May 26, 2010 at 6:51am
The University of Cape Town and are offering the ‘UCT Internet Super-User Course’ online where you can pay in rand! Have a look at This is from Dr Pam Miller in Cape Town
Comment by Linda Denty on May 23, 2010 at 1:54am
Looking forward to being a member of this group. I will be showcasing lots of Web 2.0 tools to teachers this week and so will keep coming back here for inspiration.

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Teacher Librarians of the 21st Century Curated by Mrs. N Ideas and Resources for the 21st Century Teacher Librarian

Libraries as Sites of Enchantment, Participatory Culture, and Learning Curated by Buffy J. Hamilton Ideas and resources to develop the concept of libraries as sites of participatory culture and learning

Personal Learning Networks for Librarians  Curated by Donna Watt

Staying ahead of the game, managing your own professional development, joining the dots

SchoolLibrariesTeacherLibrarians Curated by Joyce Valenza News for teacher librarians

What is a teacher librarian?  Curated by Tania Sheko Defining the role of teacher librarians for those who think we just look after books

Teacher librarians and transliteracy Curated by Sue Krust Explore the evolving role of the teacher librarian

Teacher-Librarian Curated by Librarian@HOPE Best sites and resources on the web for teacher-librarians

ResearChameleon on School Libraries Curated by Kathy Malatesta Teaching, mentoring & leading in today’s school libraries

Student Learning through School Libraries Curated by lyn_hay Building evidence of impact through research and professional practice

SCIS  Curated by SCIS News and resources about school libraries

Educational Technology and Libraries Curated by Kim Tairi In libraries we teach, we learn and many of us are early adopters of technology. This is your scoop on those things.

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