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Web 2.0 in the Library World


Web 2.0 in the Library World

This group is for those who wish to share about using collaborative Web 2.0 tools in their library instruction. Here we can discuss what tools we are using, make connections for collaboration, and celebrate our technological triumphs!

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Wikis for middle school 13 Replies

Started by Stephanie Paul. Last reply by Laura Philip Jan 27, 2012.

Great Way to Share eBooks

Started by Kim Piot Jan 27, 2012.

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Comment by Elisabeth LeBris on October 8, 2009 at 9:59pm
I have been using Blogger from Google since April. I really like it. I have invited my 5th-8th graders to comment, guest blog and/or podcast to it. My 7th and 8th grade teachers are planning to make that an option for book reports this year. We will teaching "writing for a blog" as a team. The kids will also get entered in a bi-monthly raffle for every post. Prizes will include local junior high hang-out certificates and the like. I am excited to have this take off.
Comment by Donna Baumbach on October 8, 2009 at 9:29pm
Class Blogmeister is another good blogging tool: It's designed for teachers and students.
Comment by Katrina Gormley on October 8, 2009 at 9:20pm
Laura -- I've been using edublogger ( I believe you can create as many blogs as you'd like (free ones have ads, but they don't seem to be too intrusive), and you can set students up as contributors which allows them to write blog posts, but the posts have to be approved before they are actually published.
Comment by Laura Gary-Michel on October 8, 2009 at 9:09pm
Looking for a good blog site for high school teacher to use with her students. She would like each student to create their own blog and she also wants to be able to monitor those blogs as an administrator. Any ideas?

Comment by Rachel Brockman on July 30, 2009 at 8:27am
Anne - All Hail the Shelving QUEEN! Much respect, my sister! Much respect! I need to reexamine our circulation policies. You know the ... we do it this way because we have ALWAYS done it this way menatality... The beauty of being in that place is being able to be the one that turns everything on its head! LOL
Comment by Rachel Brockman on July 29, 2009 at 9:04pm
Anne - went to your school website - curious about the size of your school. You have a very generous circulation policy - is 15 books/student for all students, or certain grades? How do you have the manpower to reshelve that kind of volume? Or have you come up with a more creative way to handle the shelving? (We have 900 K-2nd grade students, have a fairly restrictive circulation policy, but all day flexible circulation.) I LOVE the thought of my students checking out 15 books. Do you guys use Sharepoint for your sites?
Comment by Rachel Brockman on July 29, 2009 at 8:53pm
Anne and Katharine -
Have never played with Prezi before. Just took a look at it - WOW! What a great presenting tool! I am going to have to experiment a little... So much more interesting than standard PowerPoint!
Comment by Katharine C. Adams on July 28, 2009 at 4:03pm
Thanks, Anne! I appreciate your quick input! I'll definitely make some changes. Yours is wonderful. Very informative. I especially loved the ending!
Comment by Katharine C. Adams on July 28, 2009 at 3:02pm
I am part of a media specialist cadre who will be presenting on Web 2.0 during our preschool in-service. I was suppose to create a PPT to introduce Web 2.0 but when I heard about Prezi, I made a Prezi instead! Please take a look at it at and give me some feedback/suggestions! I am very new to this Web 2.0 "thing" but am really excited about what I am learning this summer. If you see anything that needs changing, please let me know. At this point it is still a draft...

The way to view it is:
1. Open the file
2. Maximize the screen
3. Use the mouse to click on any empty spot on the screen (to bring presentation into full view)
4. Click on the gray bracket around the Yo...CAB portion of the presentation
5. Click on the right arrow key in the lower right corner of the screen repeatedly to work your way through the entire presentation.

Thanks again for your input!
Comment by Tracy Richards on July 8, 2009 at 6:23pm
I am going 2.0 with a presence on the web, but can't decide between wiki or blog.
I would like to include: librarything, online booking of labs, pathfinders, etc

Which would be better?

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