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February 2008 Blog Posts (8)


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Added by Naveed Ahmad on February 29, 2008 at 1:55am — No Comments

blogging on glogging

Hello, folks!

I'm spending my winter vacation playing with a scrapbook-type website called Glogster. It has a very simple interface and some wild and cutesy graphics, but its real power lies in the fact that the the pages (called posters or glogs) can be embedded in another website. Since my HTML skills are at the cut-and-paste level, using Glogster and then embedding the result in my own website means I can create some nice effects. I made a… Continue

Added by Anne-Marie Gordon on February 20, 2008 at 1:41pm — 1 Comment

Deep Web!

A while back Joyce asked people to find out what database our state used. Found out last week that via our public library we can use EBSCO! As a very poor excuse for a media center specialist, I was overjoyed!!!
Maybe others can access similar databases in their states?

Added by Durff on February 16, 2008 at 9:45pm — 1 Comment

MidLink Magazine Seeking New Teacher/Editor

MidLink Magazine, is looking for a new teacher/editor to join us! I have been an editor for 7 years and the experience has been so valuable! Our chief editor is Brenda Dyck, an amazing innovative educator from Canada who writes for Education World and who is the recipient of several major awards. New MidLink Editor will be added to the existing team of editors this spring. This is our call for submissions of applications which are due by… Continue

Added by karenklieg on February 14, 2008 at 6:12am — No Comments

Koha---who is using?

I am very eager to learn more about the Open Source code for Circulation Systems. Koha. Who out there is using this software? What do you like? What needs to be changed? Does it really work?
Send information!

Added by Sally on February 10, 2008 at 1:32pm — No Comments

OSLA/OLA Superconference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hello everyone, I had the opportunity to attend the OSLA/OLA Superconference in Toronto, Ontario last week. It is considered to be one of the best librarian and teacher librarian conference in Canada. Mother nature threw us a major snowstorm of 20+ cm on Thursday but we managed well in the conference centre. I was present at two important launches while I was there. A group from the Ministry of Education in Ontario and the Ontario School Librarian Association have just tabled a draft document… Continue

Added by Richard Beaudry on February 6, 2008 at 1:30am — No Comments

A New Twitter

"I'm all a twitter!" Doesn't this sound like a line from a teen movie?

Guybrarian finally talked me into taking time to "twitter" yesterday so now I am curious of how this tool is being used by other school librarians. Twitter (if you are new to what Twitter is) posts your 160 characters-or-less messages on what you choose to type in. So some folks tell everybody when they are washing the dog to actually sharing links to a great lesson for students. You can add your…


Added by Laura Summers on February 5, 2008 at 4:17pm — 1 Comment

Budget cuts

Thanks to the Governator and his quest to balance the state budget (hey, he's only been in office four years to do this) California education seems to be in full swing panic mode. There's a list being put together in my district of proposed cuts. One of them of course being the elimination of the Teacher Librarian position. Our school board proposed to eliminate these four positions (yes, there are only four Teacher Librarians for a growing district that includes two high schools, three middle… Continue

Added by Jeff Vogt on February 2, 2008 at 10:34am — No Comments

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