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A community for teacher-librarians and other educators

August 2010 Blog Posts (3)

Academic Library Journal Panic

So here is the post from 144L

But here is the original draft!

My Library People, I’m aiming this post at friends, fans, passers-by as well as you so forgive the informality…the goal is having fun with a complicated idea.

What is this? This is an attempt at analyzing David Rosenthal amazing article which can be found here (… Continue

Added by BIBLIOTHEKSPOLIZEI on August 17, 2010 at 6:33pm — No Comments

First post, some ideas

So, hello. :)

A little about our project. Firstly, most of it can be explained on our about page, so if you really need a point of reference check out our blog.

My hope here is find some cool people and bump ideas back and forth.

In general, the idea of the BIBLIOTHEKSPOLIZEI project is to visit historical sites, libraries and museums, then blog about it. Now, going some place and blogging about is okay, but doing in… Continue

Added by BIBLIOTHEKSPOLIZEI on August 5, 2010 at 8:53pm — No Comments

Exciting Job Opening at

Hi TeacherLibrarianNing-ers,

I thought I'd share a job posting for in case you know someone who might enjoy it. I think this job will be great for any smart, energetic person who loves books, education, and working with teachers and librarians. I know it isn't a school librarian position, but it sure is connected to the field and enables advocacy and support in personable, meaningful ways.

Details of this Madison,… Continue

Added by Nick Glass on August 2, 2010 at 12:58am — 1 Comment

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