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I knew it was around, but I hadn't actually seen it. Doug Johnson just pointed me to the California School Library Association's School Library 2.0: The 23 .... Great stuff for training and learning. Take a good look!!!! BTW, our Ning is one of those things.

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Comment by Mrs. Spielman on June 5, 2007 at 9:15pm
I've never been on a ning before, so I hope I do this right. You can do the 23 things on CSLA without registering. You really don't have to worry about not getting help. All the parrticipants comment also. We are helping each other. Most of the activities (Things) are pretty easy to figure out. Most have instructions. I am on week 5 and enjoying it. I have reached the activity on ning and yes, this ning is listed as one of the top two.
I am hoping to learn enough here to start a book club for current and past students to participate.
We will see if I learn enough to do this.

So come on and join CSA's the 23 things. Make a few comments on sites, and you will hear back from people who will help you if you need it. You already do ning, so I am sure you will not need help. I am excited to learn all it has to offer. I wasn't even surprised to see the name Joyce Valenza as the creator of this ning. Her name is on everything I find useful to use at school.
Comment by Carolyn Foote on May 16, 2007 at 8:01am
California's program is based on Charlotte Public Library's, which is called Learning 2.0, if anyone is interested in checking that one out as well!

Charlotte offered their staff incentives for completing the program, which I think would be an excellent idea in a school.

Wouldn't it be a great summer learning program for teachers as well?

We've been considering designing our own, shorter one--13 get teachers to try some new tools during the summer months.
Comment by LegacyKim on May 15, 2007 at 12:51pm
Thank you so much for posting this, Joyce!!! It's full of everything I want to learn!!! I sent it to my district's librarians and I'm going to see if I can set up a professional learning course through our district if some of our librarians complete it.... still checking on details. CSLA says guests can do the course but we don't get their help if we don't join their association - $100 professional membership. Will post what I find out...
Comment by LegacyKim on May 15, 2007 at 12:51pm
Thank you so much for posting this, Joyce!!! It's full of everything I want to learn!!! I sent it to my district's librarians and I'm going to see if I can set up a professional learning course through our district if some of our librarians complete it.... still checking on details. CSLA says guests can do the course but we don't get their help if we don't join their association - $100 professional membership. Will post what I find out...
Comment by Liz Deskins on May 13, 2007 at 6:27pm
O.K, I am finally poking around this ning; and looked at this 23 things site! (I'm avoiding the work I am supposed to be doing; learning is work, right?) It looks great -- I think I found my summer project. In fact, I am going to share it at our final district library meeting and encourage everyone to try it!

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