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Any suggestions about how to deal with a library aide who is way too picky and even mean to students wanting to come to the library media center? and/or use of a shhh! manner when dealing with students? Don't want to have the person let go, but want to change her attitude and practice re how the LMC should be perceived and used by students and staff in the 2.0 world.

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Be a good model for how you want her to come across, for one thing (which I'm sure you are). But I think it's okay to be honest and say, "I know that libraries have historically been a quiet place, but teachers are now very much into cooperative grouping and want the students to socialize as they study. And I don't mind it." The library needs to be the hub of the campus, with students attracted to it. So shushing them is definitely antiquated. Good luck!
In my high school library, space is definitely at a minimum (I have 12 tables each with 4 chairs, and 4 computers for student use in the library--we have 2 rooms which are set up as separate computer labs), so too much talking is definitely not conducive to the learning process. Most of the time I allow conversation, but stress that if the conversations can be heard across the room and are not assignment related and are a disturbance or a definite distraction to others, it either needs to stop or be cranked down a notch or two. I'd love the luxury of having an "open" atmosphere where shushing wasn't ever necessary. But that is an ideal world and a new building away for me. So I stress the academics and I think the students appreciate the environment we have.

I too have an aide who tends to be on the rude side, and I do my best to model as well. I have found that students are like everyone else, and respond to courtesy and respect. So far so good this year!
That's a tough situation and I know several other librarians dealing with the same issue. It's so hard to come in as a new librarian and expect the clerk who's been there to change to our style. I don't know how long you've had the clerk, but discussion of your vision of the library and where you're taking it could be a regular part of your interactions with her (or him). If your vision isn't the same, maybe you can pull her along to your view - broaden her ideas. I had a similar situation and never did get the clerk to see things the way I did. She had been a school library clerk for over 20 years, so she wasn't about to change for me. Keep positive and continue to pursue your 2.0 goals!
Thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate your interest.
The school library can be the largest classroom on campus! Classrooms sometimes "come alive" with discussion and excitement over the lesson being taught. If this is your intent, and goal, share it with everyone! The staff becoming excited about the library can help change attitudes. Explain the differences between the public library, academic libraries, school libraries, law libraries, and student's all about the patrons being served (even if it is on the sly...dropped into casual conversation). I agree with Marie, remain stead-fast in modeling the tone you wish to set.


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