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I would love to compile a list of the 23 2.0 things that teacher librarians should be learning to do over the next year. What's important to you?

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A slight twist - 23 things we should be learning in a Web 2.0 world this year as teacher librarians. The use of the social technology in leading learnng is a given... we need to trial, to innovate. But we also need to develop our social networking skills - the skills of building community for our students and our where each finds a place to share.... sharing puts us in a vulnerable place and if over the past many years we are still grappling with successful collaboration in a face to face world then we need to be mindful of getting it right in an online world. Social networks can take us into wonderful pathways where we can get lost and hopefully in losing ourselves we are developing our creativity and knowledge but we can get lost to the point that we don't know our way back. And so concept of building community may need to operate on the principle of less is more. This is just a thought - a Sunday morning musing - on the richness of Web 2 and the power of social networks... and we have students to lead in building community.
Joyce, I had the opportunity to see you at Internet@Schools East last week and you were great - I only wished that you had more time to spend discussing each topic so that I had more time to have all that info register in my brain. I plan to review your info and that of the other excellent speakers and "educate" myself on Web 2.0 over this summer. Hopefully, come the fall, I will be able to pass on/share my knowledge with other librarians in my district and with the faculty in my building. Since I am in an intermediate school, (3-5) and not in a secondary school setting, I am not quite sure how I will apply this knowledge in the classroom .
Since I signed on to the your network, one of the things I will be focusing on is the use/impact of social networks. Thanks for all the tools that you have provided (this network, your wiki).
Sue Lercher/New York


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