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Inquiry Circles Book Group - starting soon!

Hi everyone. Please forgive my multiple postings of this notice!

As some of you may have heard on twitter, we are putting together a book group for teacher librarians and other educators. For our first book, we've decided to read "Comprehension and Collaboration: Inquiry Circles in Action" by Stephanie Harvey and Harvey Daniels. This book matches our current professional focus on inquiry, and promises to give all of us some practical ideas to implement in our schools. We hope this book will be relevant to all librarians, regardless of your school level.

Currently, this book is on sale from the publisher and offered with free shipping here:

We are planning to read the book over the winter break. I haven't quite decided how the discussions will be structured. I'd love any suggestions you have about starting dates or other points such as: should we have a weekly synchronous chat? If so, where? Should there also be a discussion board where you can post anytime? What other modes of communication would enable a rich discussion?

If you are interested in participating, please post your information here so I can keep you updated. (And if you have already posted your info to another book group post here on the Ning, once is great.) In the mean time, order the book and get ready for some great conversation!

Thanks, Beth Friese
Twitter: @librarybeth

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book arrived today
After all this online excitement, it almost seems like you should have been able to shake it and have a secret code fall out of it or something! :)
i had hoped for a special decoder ring with Harvey Daniels' visage in the center.
Well, certainly. But what would the ring decode? Would it be like in "A Christmas Story"? Or the secret to magical teaching? Or would it merely be a horcrux? Oh, we li-berrians could go on all day with bad literature puns.
Mine too! It's so exciting...
Hi! I'm excited about this! I've just ordered the book however it looks like I won't get it in Canada until early New Year... My email is
I'm not twittering yet. Do I need to for this? Might be a reason to get on board.
Hi, Nancy - You don't need to be on Twitter, but many of the folks in this book club do enjoy conversing with each other on Twitter, so if you need an excuse to give Twitter a try, now might be a fun time to start! The trick to Twitter is getting great people in your network ... and we can help you get started!

I'm so curious to see all of the Canadians here! My brother-in-law's family is in Mississauga outside of Toronto.
Hi Joanne,
I'm looking forward to this. Looks like we will have quite a bit of online nteraction... I'm registered in 544 as well!

Hi Beth!
Will order book today! Looking forward to this discussion with great librarian minds! For those who want to know, I am @kkliegman on twitter.

Karen Kliegman
Hi, Karen! Glad you're doing this! Maybe we'll get some great ideas to bring into the SLM classes we're teaching!
Hey Kristin,
Guess what? After spending hours thinking and making possible outlines, I decided to pull out of teaching this course til next year. I decided it was just one too many things on my plate right now. (I had surgery on my foot in October, missing 3 months of working, returning to my job -elementary LMS- in January). Between catching up at my job, going to physical therapy, presenting at 2 conferences in the spring; it all became a little overwhelming! Oh well!
Sorry to hear there were so many bumps in the road. Glad we'll collaborate in this club, at least!


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