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Sandy Rowland
  • Female
  • Paso Robles
  • United States
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  • Tom Nixon
  • Connie Masson
  • Randy de Jong
  • Dennis O'Connor
  • Sandra Carswell

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Paso Robles, CA
Name of Your School / Library / Organization:
I am a middle school librarian. I taught upper elementary and sixth grade core for 25 years before becoming a library media teacher nine years ago. I loved my graduate program at San Jose State and fell in love with my library career from the start.

Outside of school, I am a wife, mother and grandmother who loves to read and travel. I enjoy word games and animals.
Library, School, or Professional Website:

Sandy Rowland's Blog

Web2.0 Tools

Thank you for welcoming me to TeacherLibrarian Ning. I found you by taking an online summer class called School Library Learning2.0 sponsored by the California School Library Association. What I have learned in the course will dramatically change my teaching next year. It is embarrassing to admit, but no one in our district uses blogs, wikis, tagging, or RSS. I have heard these terms at conferences and read about them in periodicals, but had no idea how powerful they could be and how easy to…


Posted on August 3, 2007 at 5:18pm — 6 Comments

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At 6:00am on February 3, 2012, Mike McQueen said…

Greetings Sandy, 

I'm Mike McQueen, teacher librarian and founder of Like many school districts, we are in a financial crises. Our school board recently proposed to eliminate ALL 20+ middle school teacher librarians and also cut all 90+ elementary schools to half time. Since we are the biggest district in all of Colorado, we worry this will cause other districts to follow suit. We launched an online movement and are going to do our best to put up a good fight.

If possible, please visit our Facebook page and "Like" us . Adding a positive comment and sharing with your friends would help our morale as well. The board finalizes the budget soon so your timely support would be greatly appreciated!


Mike McQueen

Teacher Librarian at McLain HS

Lakewood, CO

At 11:52pm on May 27, 2009, Mike McQueen said…
Hi Sandy,
I'm a teacher librarian & recently started a community based blog for getting boys to read - Please send me a friend request if you'd like to network, share ideas, and learn more about getting boys to read.

Mike McQueen

LET'S NETWORK HERE TOO (request me as a friend):
My TWITTER Profile</</body>
At 9:22pm on August 22, 2007, Randy de Jong said…
I am in Kern Valley High School in Lake Isabella. It has about 670 students. I still have 2/3 of my program to go. I am looking into doing 2 classes a term. I have done 10 hours toward my program this year and the SLL 2.0 for 12 hours so far. I hope to be able to take 2 classes per term and finish sooner, that would be 18 hours by the end of next summer. I don't think there are many classes in the summer or I would try to do a third. I took too tech classes this summer. I learned a lot more about readily available programs for PCs and MACs. I am going to use more tech in my classes. Until this summer I used video and mostly PowerePoint. I can now enhance those projects. I think Voice Thread has a lot of potential for foreign language and for ESL. It is nice to talk to you thanks.
At 2:20am on August 22, 2007, Randy de Jong said…
Sandy, I teach Spanish and am the faculty CTA rep. I am really enjoying my program through Fresno Pacific University. I am learning soooooo much. I am going to try to implement some of the things for projects and efforts to build better relationships between our staff members. I think we might do a number of things with Wikis and just do it from our home computers. I have been asked by my administration to help our woodshop teacher with a special computerized routing tool. I bet I could tie a wiki into it and have it available for the other new staff members that will have to learn to use it also. It will be something simple that might ease his fear of computers and build his confidence.
At 11:04pm on August 21, 2007, Sandra Carswell said…
Great to hear from you Sandy. I was just playing with something new
I had to figure out how to hook up my headphone/microphone to make it work. Cool tool!
I have not had too much interaction with teachers yet. They have been working in classrooms and attending inservice trainings. I have been hostessing book vendors and the librarians have been coming to my library to see their displays. I am also working with the tech coordinator to teach the teachers how to set up their websites on our new Schoolwires website. You can see mine at You will have to select the school S. C. Lee from the drop down box in the upper left corner of the district page to get to my school. Be aware that a couple of the pages on my library page are set up for teacher demos Thursday.
We have MANY new teachers on campus this year and I know it is going to be a great year for the library. I haven't had much success figuring out yet.
At 11:19pm on August 20, 2007, Randy de Jong said…
Hi Sandy, I was passed over even when my administrator told m I was the most qualified for the position. (She chose the other applicant.) I had the opportunity to interview in a few other districts, but didn't because it would have necessitated getting my administration and district to release me from my contract. I have done some pondering and praying and feel that I need to give it one more year in my district and try to get one of two openings that will come in the fall of 2008. I was really impressed with my conversations with Maggie Barnes in Santa Ana. I am trying hard not to go to the "sour grapes" attitude in my school. I do not see much chance to do anything with blogs in my district unless I were in a position to share with the rest of the library personnel. I will double up on my courses to be even more prepared for next year. I appreciate your staying in touch. We started back as an entire staff last Wednesday and the kids were there today. This is another reason I didn't jump ship-it is so late.
At 11:54pm on August 4, 2007, Sandy Rowland said…
Thanks. I'll try that.
At 5:11pm on August 3, 2007, Sandra Carswell said…
Sandy, In the upper right side of your page is a box where you can edit your profile.
At 6:16pm on August 2, 2007, Sandy Rowland said…
Why does my member have an age under it and most do not?

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