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June 2008 Blog Posts (7)

Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin

This is a Reading Olympic book I read (give it 5 stars out of 5!) and now I have to make up 5 questions and the answers with pg # and chapters... I really liked the main character, Naomi,a teen of 16 years who falls while returning to school to get the yearbook camera. Zevin nailed the protagonist's angst, humor, anger and introspective thoughts. You could really feel Naomi's amnesia---loved Will, her best friend ---and James, the darkly handsome, new guy in school who saves Naomi ---and Ace,… Continue

Added by BJ Neary on June 30, 2008 at 8:52am — No Comments

How is ethnic literature being taught in middle school?

My middle school in Colorado Springs has 18% ESL students, and I am trying to add minority literature to the library collection as well as include engaging activities. I know ethnic identification is a sensitive topic, and I would like to have minority literature and activities available for our ESL students. What reading lists would you suggest and what activities can I use to engage the ESL students into using the library collection?

Added by Shirley Sullivan on June 11, 2008 at 1:32am — No Comments

Meredith FArkas wrote back to me!

I emailed Meredith Farkas to let her know I was reading and enjoying her book. she wrote back

Thanks Allan! I'm so glad you're enjoying the book. There are a lot of
great applications for social software in a K-12 setting and I wish
you the best in learning and applying these new technologies.


Cool huh?

Added by Allan Cutler on June 6, 2008 at 1:00am — No Comments

Five Blogs in a Blender

Reading 2.0

I thought the title of this blog was interesting. It has only been up since October 2007. There is a book review for each month and a place for comments. Some of the reviews have a link containing a short interview with the author. Refreshing! I enjoyed the book jackets and short reviews. I was able to copy and paste the reviews and pictures into a Word document. This would be nice to use to promote books on a “Featured Item” bulletin board in the library (or… Continue

Added by Lynne McDowell on June 5, 2008 at 4:28pm — 3 Comments


I was wondering what user of this site think. Do you prefer using your blog or the comments to post in? A small consideration. Also on the issue of using an aggregator, do you prefer a desktop application or a web based one?

Added by Allan Cutler on June 5, 2008 at 1:48am — 1 Comment

starting over

Here I was jazzing up my site and adding all kinds of posts and content, when lo and behold I quit Firefox and when I came back in it I found I was on an older version of my 21st C. site and a lot of my stuff was gone, including some of my friends! So I am starting again. Come back friends.

Added by Allan Cutler on June 4, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments

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