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A community for teacher-librarians and other educators

December 2007 Blog Posts (6)

We've redesigned our website. Please drop by and check out the changes? You'll no longer have to login to access our resource kits. We've added a direct link to the Information Fluen…

We've redesigned our website. Please drop by and check out the changes?

You'll no longer have to login to access our resource kits.

We've added a direct link to the Information Fluency Group here on the TeacherLibrarian Network to our main menu.

We're developing an integrated blog and wiki.

We've added an…

Added by Dennis O'Connor on December 29, 2007 at 3:25pm — No Comments

Slam Poetry

This is a promotion of a sort. And in the spirit of the students who invited me to listen, and record, I am going to lay myself a little bare in explaining why all of this mattered.

I am burned out. I spend my days not sure whether to cry or rage. I am frustrated with entitled students who either a) don't want to learn or b) don't want to think. I know it seems like the same thing but in this era of testing they can consume information without thinking, and feel as if they are learning. I… Continue

Added by Mary Ann Harlan on December 19, 2007 at 9:46pm — 1 Comment

International Children's Digital Library

Hi All,

Check the wonderfull site of "E-Books for Childrens" in various languages.




Added by Naveed Ahmad on December 11, 2007 at 11:20pm — No Comments

Can you recommend any good school library media mission statements?


Thank you for your post. I am checking them out now. Vivian

Added by Vivian Ellner on December 11, 2007 at 8:56am — 1 Comment

Answer Board Librarians, Ask Colorado, etc. - What about school librarians?

I don't remember how I came upon this site: Answer Board Librarians at, but I signed up much like I do for others sites like this and then "sat on it" for a while. Takes me some time to get the feel for a site and decide to participate even if I am a member.

This site seems to be mostly participated in by public library staff, but why not have a school library contingent? Check it out and let me know what you…


Added by Connie Masson on December 10, 2007 at 3:24pm — No Comments

wow cool

its my first blog post. joined the ning to know more about joyce. also was searching for web2.0 and RSS and WIKIs . so the list is immense. a lot to do .

bye talk to me any one.

Added by vandana pandey on December 7, 2007 at 11:13am — 1 Comment

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Libraries as Sites of Enchantment, Participatory Culture, and Learning Curated by Buffy J. Hamilton Ideas and resources to develop the concept of libraries as sites of participatory culture and learning

Personal Learning Networks for Librarians  Curated by Donna Watt

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SchoolLibrariesTeacherLibrarians Curated by Joyce Valenza News for teacher librarians

What is a teacher librarian?  Curated by Tania Sheko Defining the role of teacher librarians for those who think we just look after books

Teacher librarians and transliteracy Curated by Sue Krust Explore the evolving role of the teacher librarian

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