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Mary J. Johnson
  • Colorado Springs
  • United States
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  • Neil Brewer
  • Andrew Robitaille
  • Margo Jantzi
  • Sherry R. Crow
  • Susan Adams
  • Muhammad Tufail Khan
  • Judy Gressel
  • Carol Gutting
  • Nance Nassar
  • Jody K. Howard
  • Heidi Baker
  • Connie Masson
  • Dennis O'Connor
  • Laura Summers
  • Nancy White

Mary J. Johnson's Discussions

Short, sweet definitions of Web 2.0 needed
8 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mary J. Johnson Jan 6, 2008.


Mary J. Johnson's Page

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Colorado Springs
Name of Your School / Library / Organization:
I'm a retired middle school library media specialist, but I'm still working as an education consultant. I train teachers to use primary sources, especially in collaboration with library/technology educators. I'm especially interested in how to use online primary sources to teach 21st century skills. Check out The Primary Source Librarian blog that I've been writing for a few months now!
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Mary J. Johnson's Blog

Web 2.0 Playground

I posted this on my “Primary Source Librarian” blog today, and I thought others might want to consider setting up their own Web 2.0 Playground:

Yesterday I spent a most enjoyable three hours with nine other people at a Leapday Playday to explore the concepts and tools of Web 2.0. We called our computer lab a “playground,” and we were there to “play.”

Why “play?” Because every time I mention Web 2.0 to other… Continue

Posted on March 1, 2008 at 10:06pm

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At 5:34am on January 27, 2012, Mike McQueen said…

Greetings Mary,


I'm Mike McQueen, teacher librarian and founder of Like many school districts, we are in a financial crises. Our school board recently proposed to eliminate ALL 20+ middle school teacher librarians and also cut all 90+ elementary schools to half time. Since we are the biggest district in all of Colorado, we worry this will cause other districts to follow suit.

We launched an online movement and are going to do our best to put up a good fight. If possible, please visit our Facebook page and "Like" us . Adding a positive comment and sharing with your friends would help our morale as well. The board finalizes the budget soon so your timely support would be greatly appreciated!


Mike McQueen
Teacher Librarian at McLain HS
Lakewood, CO

At 1:33am on May 28, 2009, Mike McQueen said…
Hi Mary,
I'm a teacher librarian & recently started a community based blog for getting boys to read - Please send me a friend request if you'd like to network, share ideas, and learn more about getting boys to read.

Mike McQueen

LET'S NETWORK HERE TOO (request me as a friend):
My TWITTER Profile</</body>
At 6:11pm on January 27, 2008, Nancy White said…
Mary --Did you see the posting about this collaborative writing project using Twitter? I was having a hard time thinking about the value of Twitter - but this helps! :-)
At 10:16am on January 2, 2008, Connie Masson said…
Yes we have received the information about the Library Days. We have had attendance each year and hope to this year as well. It is a great deal!
At 6:34pm on November 26, 2007, Sherry R. Crow said…
I missed AASL also, but the Nebraska conference went very well.

The feeling I get from the Nebraska folks is that they will follow AASL's lead. I didn't get any other sense from them, but that could be because I don't know them well enough yet. Time will tell how well these new standards will be accepted. I would sure like to know if you get any other "vibes" out there.

Good to hear from you!

At 3:31pm on November 24, 2007, Mary J. Johnson said…
Hi, Susan,

Sorry to disappoint you, Susan, but I don't get many questions! I have actually learned several things from the TeacherLibrarianNing. It was here that I learned of the K12 Online Conference, and I have learned a ton about Web 2.0 from the sessions there. I've discovered that retired school librarians remain active thinkers, although I haven't yet joined that group. I've picked up some good pointers from videos that have been posted here. This ning is just one of my sources for keeping up with the profession, or at least faking it pretty well. I do still get a little mixed up about just where to leave comments (and where to find them).

What fun new things are you doing with your high schoolers between Thanksgiving and winter break? I'm off to Germany for about ten days...getting together with the increasingly far-away "nuclear family."

At 11:47pm on November 20, 2007, Susan Adams said…
Hey Sweetie! I just don't get this whole thing yet - AND you don't get to look at it before you are supposed to "explain" yourself. :) Have you actually LEARNED anything??? I bet you only get questions. What a guru you are. :) Ok, I'm sure these are inappropriate comments, but you ARE the best.
At 4:25pm on November 19, 2007, Laurie Roberts said…
I am doing a project for my master's degree. I was just wondering if you would mind answering a quick question for me?

How do you manage technology as a part of your daily job?
At 6:43pm on September 10, 2007, Jody K. Howard said…
Hi, Mary, I am not sure exactly how this works, but it is great to be on your page as a friend.
At 3:03pm on September 10, 2007, Mary J. Johnson said…
Hi, Dennis! Good to meet you here in the TeacherLibrarianNing. Just as an FYI, the Teaching with Primary Sources program has recently expanded to four regional centers, and their training will soon extend to neighboring states. I believe there's a center in Illinois, which is probably the closest to you of the four. The whole program is currently transitioning to TPA from the former Adventure of the American Mind program. For more information, you can go to the national TPA site: . The newsletter link from that site might also be worth your reading time.

I have read Mary Alice Anderson's writing for years, and I must say you are truly fortunate to have her as a colleague. I was extremely pleased to see that the Library of Congress outreach programs that began with the American Memory fellowships have now reached the university level. Good for UW Stout!

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