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More things: Applying 2.0 tools


More things: Applying 2.0 tools

Inspired by Helene Blowers' Learning 2.0 and California's School Library Learning 2.0, let's use this space to explore new things to prepare ourselves for leadership in new information landscapes.

Members: 230
Latest Activity: Apr 5, 2015

Discussion Forum

Great Way to Share eBooks

Started by Kim Piot Jan 27, 2012.

Substitutes for Google Notebook 4 Replies

Started by John Crowley. Last reply by Janice Jan 27, 2011.

Successful Blog or Wiki Projects 3 Replies

Started by Laura Brooks. Last reply by Jeanne B. Procell Dec 6, 2009.

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Comment by jan on October 25, 2010 at 11:12am
Hey All,
I'm a media specialist at an Independent School in Ann Arbor. My blog: Looking forward to some great conversations
Comment by Gayle Keresey on December 28, 2009 at 10:46am
I am fascinated with how you ran your book fair, Katharine. Thanks for sharing!
Comment by Katharine C. Adams on December 28, 2009 at 10:12am
My ARSAC crew has 40 students this year. When we began ARSAC in 2003 it was made up of one student representative from each reading class...but now students apply randomly. (Kids have the best ideas!) The tools are very new to us, too. The students did their own Voki's after I demonstrated how to use it. The teachers were also shown... and some did their own, and some asked for help. The site has been in process since mid October when we first started to plan our book fair. I am very glad you like it!
Comment by J.Robertson on December 28, 2009 at 9:31am
Wow Katherine! It seems like your Scholastic Book Fair was SO much fun! What a creative and innovative idea. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Do you have a big crew of student helpers? Did each student adopt a teacher to help them do their recordings? Roughly how long did it take you to create the site?
Comment by Katharine C. Adams on December 28, 2009 at 8:17am
My student crew and I recently used Web 2.0 tools to enhance our Scholastic Book Fair. It was a fun way to introduce the use of Weebly, Voki, Animoto, VuVox, Shelfari and other tools to our school. Take a look - - and respond on the blog if you wish!
Comment by Lisa Hathcock on November 1, 2009 at 11:52am
Our school system is now sponsoring a Moodle site. We are beginning with the teachers. Then the system will add students. I am very excited. Is any one using Moodle for k4 students?
Comment by Laura Berdichevsky on April 17, 2009 at 9:57am
hi all :)

I see there's a lot of 2.0 convo in here. I've heard is a great interactive resource for librarians. Their flash tutorial for librarians is supposed to be really helpful ( and they're also on twitter, @healthfinder.
Comment by Betty Jordan on February 15, 2009 at 12:04pm
One of my roles is supervisor to the live morning news student run broadcast each morning. Since middle schoolers' newsletters rarely make it home we now host a podcast each Friday with the highlights of the morning announcements. There aren't many subscribers yet, but I have had parents consult it to find out about dates for activities, etc.
Comment by karenklieg on February 10, 2009 at 5:59am
If you all are around the Arlington, VA area March 31st, I am giving a presentation on this topic at the Internet@Schools; Computers in Libraries Conference. I will surely be checking this discussion forum for your thoughts and comments to add to my presentation!
I am a Google Certified Teacher; I love Google apps and am finding them so useful for my library media center. Surveys are a snap, creating sites for projects and such and embedding presentations and videos is easy. VoiceThread is a wonderful tool for book reviews; shelfari is a cool way to show what you are reading to your students; blogger to communicate with the community. Wordle is a great tool to incoroporate into literacy lessons; for example, a brainstorm on Internet safety for students.
Comment by Courtney Lewis on January 6, 2009 at 8:40pm
Hi, folks! I just wanted to let you all know that if you're within driving distance on March 2nd, you may want to consider attending the YALSA Teens and Technology Institute that we are hosting. The website with all the info can be found at Please spread the word!

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