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On the library 2.0 Ning site, there has been discussion of a great project called 365 days.

The idea is for each library who joins to post 365 photos of their library in action over the next year. My library joined--I think this is a great project for schools because you can share your visual story!

The other nice thing about flickr is that it can feed into this site or to your blog if you have one, so you can always have photos of your library showing.

Anyone interested in participating?

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Great idea, Carolyn! But let's not insist on 365. How about encouraging folks to post what they can over a year? What a great advocacy tool for sharing a visual record of the varied activites we participate in all over the world!
The link is not opening for me...but I was able to google it. I think that sounds like a wonderful way to make the school community aware of the activity in the library. I could probably take a picture a day but uploading it probably wouldn't happen as frequently. As I understand it, we would post our photos to libraryman's flicr site and not our own?
The concept is to take 365 over a year, whether or not you load one every day. (I know since schools are not in session in summer that can be difficult, so I agree with Joyce that posting as many as you can is a great option). You upload it to flickr, but you give it the "tag" of 365libs, so that way it will appear in the group that libraryman has created.

Flickr also has a handy tool you can download very quickly which lets you upload a batch of photos at a time.
(You can see that tool once you login to Flickr, by the upload area).

Also, once you are on Flickr, you can join the group for 365libs and there is a discussion area there as well.

I love how you guys have this totally under control on your own! I mean, my RSS feed showed me the thread, but you don't even need me to chime in.

Just to clarify, you don't post anything to my flickr stream, but to the 365 Library Days Project Group after you've uploaded them to your own flickr stream (account). I gather this is already clear, but just in case.

You guys rock for following through with the project. Without follow through, it don't mean squat! :)

-Michael Porter (aka libraryman) :)

PS-I'm having a problem with my host this weekend, which is why the link isn't working. It will be fixed shortly (then I'm going to switch hosts!). Thanks for your patience.


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