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Please help me plan, host, guest the Classroom 2.0 School Library Webinar series. This is a great opportunity and we will need a solid team to make it work.

Share your ideas here. What topics would you like to see? Who should we invite as guests? Who wants to share hosting responsibilities?

Please help!

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Hi, Joyce,

I arrived back at work this year to find many of the teachers have smart boards in the classrooms. Our libraries (elementary and jr/sr high) don't have this asset. I'm drooling can I make a case for a smartboard in the library especially in this time of economic downturn?


Joyce, I'm glad to help in any way I can.

I'm wondering if maybe a session on something like Google Reader might be helpful, or maybe a series of sessions on how to cultivate your own personal learning network. Or maybe something like Library 2. on a budget---a series of free tools you can use.

Great idea, Buffy. Would you lead these? (Also, announcement to come . . .Our first session will be with Howard Rheingold on evaluating resources!)
I would be glad to lead any of these sessions! I'm also excited about the upcoming session on evaluating resources!
Hi Joyce,
2 suggestions for program topics:

How about a program focused on filtering as an issue of intellectual freedom/censorship? What exactly are the federal requirements? How to teach internet safety while using powerful social media /educational network tools rather than teaching safety in theory and in isolation? Are "walled gardens" the way to go?

Implications of the Code of Best Practice for Fair Use in Media Literacy- 1 year later. What does Fair Use look like now? What exactly is "transformativeness"? Focus on resources from Kristin Hokanson, Renee Hobbs and the gang...


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