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I also belong to another forum on TeacherLibrarianNetwork so this may be a duplicate. I am looking for others using Twitter. I would like to discuss with others how to use this in libraries. (I do sometimes twitter about my other life outside the school-I work by myself in a 900 student library and am dying for some adult discussion.)

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Thanks for this post Cheryl. I'm beginning to twitter more and more. I would love to find the twitter far I have been a bit successful, but would love to find more (especially school librarians). I still think twitter COULD be the worlds biggest time waster; however if you build a strong network of forward thinking educators- there is no end to the stimulation and ed tech-info literacy ideas that could be bounced off of others in real time. I will look for you! pgoerner @ twitter. Happy tweeting!
I would like to learn how you all are using Twitter in your libraries. I joined Twitter over two months ago. No one in my area is using Twitter yet, so I really don't have anyone with whom I can experiment. I feel like too much of a "newbie" in this area to throw myself into the Twitter mainstream. I do love to learn about Web 2.0 and how to integrate it into my high school library program. Please share with me. My Twitter address is
Hi Polly,
Thanks for adding me to your twitter. I don't get online with Twitter a lot--actually haven't had a reason without any twitter friends. Thanks for the suggestion about the writter packs! I'll do that. I didn't know about those at all! This Ning is great!

Although I'm not a librarian (I'm a tech coordinator for 9-12), I've started to twitter and would love to hear ideas about its use in a library setting. I joined Twitter with trepidation - WHY would I want to be so informed? Wouldn't it be terribly distracting? And I've found that it could well be distracting, but it is like so many other things in life - a great tool if used well and with moderation. I've gotten tidbits and big ideas from some great thinkers, which have been really useful. (Like who know about TwitterPacks? - Thanks, Polly!!) I'm LangLabCindy on Twitter and look forward to sharing ideas. ~ Cindy
I twitter too - we are discussing this in NYC as well and have some wonderful people setting up an educational twitter network at

It's interesting to see what the students are doing with's very exciting! We've been discussing it over and you can see our twitter network over there too - it's piped in via RSS but you can see it & follow it on twitter here -
Yeah, I forgot to mention that we are using a twitter RSS feed on our website to promote magazines. Each week we post a brief teaser of content in a magazine we are cataloging. Try to do 3-6 each week and put it right on our main library page. Not the prettiest thing, but it is current and dynamic. :)
Great idea!!!!! (as usual). :-)


Sorry to just now respond to this, but we have a Twitter account we use to post updates from our blog: .

Here are some fav links on applications for Twitter and libraries: .

Last, but not least, here is a blog post I did recently about how Twitter is empowering me!

I hope this helps! :-)

Buffy Hamilton
I just joined this group and found this thread. Although it's old I am interested and following the links. I'm an elementary SLMS and in grad school for my MLS. I'm doing a current project on librarians using Ning and Twitter, so I'm following all of you now. Thanks!
Welcome Andi! Glad you are following---(do I have your twitter id?) I didn't know this, but Buffy just found School Library Journal on twitter... sljournal

Fun to be connected!
I am cloudscome on twitter. I found SLJ by following Buffy I think!
Hi Andi! What is your Twitter ID? I am buffyjhamilton on Twitter. Come join the fun! :-)


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