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Elementary School Librarians


Elementary School Librarians

This groups is for librarians who teach in elementary schools.

Members: 478
Latest Activity: Jun 10, 2019

Discussion Forum

Primary Library - Genre-fication 1 Reply

Started by Sherell Stepp. Last reply by EJ Jul 20, 2016.

Annotated List of Holocaust Picture Books

Started by Keith Schoch Mar 5, 2013.

Fun Thanksgiving Activities Involving A Book

Started by John Wellcome Oct 30, 2012.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Paula Daubert on July 12, 2011 at 9:32pm
I am looking for the description of the 5 roles of the LMS in Standards for 21st-Century Learners. I can't find it. Does anyone know what page it's on or what section?
Comment by Keith Schoch on April 6, 2011 at 11:09am
If you're a fan of Ruth Heller's or Brian Cleary's grammar/parts of speech books, please take notice of a fantastic series of grammar picture books written by Rick Walton. Unlike the the others, these are actually written as stories, which makes them fun for reading, replicating, and using with ELLs. Never knew they existed until recently!
Comment by Karen Land on March 21, 2011 at 9:17am
Spring is here and that year's budget, books, books, books and Springtime events in your library.  Consider reading books that promote healthy eating, bicycle safety, outdoor sports now that the weather is warming up.  I am compiling a list of books that promote healthy eating habits and would be grateful for your imput
Comment by cara delia on January 21, 2011 at 6:48pm
This site is super awesome!
Comment by Kelly Farrow on October 29, 2010 at 11:30am
Paula, we do. It's been our dist. research standard for about 5 years now. Friend me and I can message you more directly about it.
Comment by Paula Daubert on October 28, 2010 at 9:28pm
Anyone use the Big6 in library class?
Comment by Karen Wiggins on September 27, 2010 at 7:08pm
Are there any school libraries in New York State that are operating on a flexible schedule?
Comment by Beth Kiger on July 16, 2010 at 12:19pm
I'm looking for ideas for an elementary school book club. I want it to be so great that kids are fighting to get in. My last attempt failed miserably. Any ideas?
Comment by Katharine C. Adams on April 9, 2010 at 6:58am
If you are looking for a simple/fun thing to do in the classroom for National Library Week, I would like to invite you to Freeze-n-Read 4 Libraries! What began as a simple NLW activity for our school has grown into a library advocacy event we hope everyone who loves libraries will embrace. Our website, explains the simple process. (Promote, Freeze, Get Involved) I know elementary school students will enjoy "freezing" and feel free to make this as creative as you like (Reading Freeze Tag?) The website also brings together in one place links to "cool" and "chilling" facts about libraries along with effective ways to bring about change. Libraries are so crucial to the welfare of our schools and communities! Our young ones need to know! We include a blog to gather information about libraries in crisis, photo gallery for "Freezers" and a poll to document participation. (Web 2.0 stuff) You might want to partner with your local public library to host a community freeze for families on 4/17. My students and I are excited about the potential this has, but we need your help. Please ask your colleagues, friends and family to Vote 4 Libraries on the website and Freeze-n-Read in some way during National Library Week! ~Sincerely, The Freeze-n-Read Staff

Comment by Maria Luisa Retana on March 19, 2010 at 9:11pm
I have been doing school visits since 1999 and everytime is a different experience. I just, along with one of my illustrators, Pat Pollock Rhoads, came back from Ca. after a week of school visits. We happily presented 17 workshops to at least 800 students and their teachers. Our participants range anywhere from 3 years old to our big six graders. It was a wonderful experience.

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Teacher Librarians of the 21st Century Curated by Mrs. N Ideas and Resources for the 21st Century Teacher Librarian

Libraries as Sites of Enchantment, Participatory Culture, and Learning Curated by Buffy J. Hamilton Ideas and resources to develop the concept of libraries as sites of participatory culture and learning

Personal Learning Networks for Librarians  Curated by Donna Watt

Staying ahead of the game, managing your own professional development, joining the dots

SchoolLibrariesTeacherLibrarians Curated by Joyce Valenza News for teacher librarians

What is a teacher librarian?  Curated by Tania Sheko Defining the role of teacher librarians for those who think we just look after books

Teacher librarians and transliteracy Curated by Sue Krust Explore the evolving role of the teacher librarian

Teacher-Librarian Curated by Librarian@HOPE Best sites and resources on the web for teacher-librarians

ResearChameleon on School Libraries Curated by Kathy Malatesta Teaching, mentoring & leading in today’s school libraries

Student Learning through School Libraries Curated by lyn_hay Building evidence of impact through research and professional practice

SCIS  Curated by SCIS News and resources about school libraries

Educational Technology and Libraries Curated by Kim Tairi In libraries we teach, we learn and many of us are early adopters of technology. This is your scoop on those things.

21st Century Libraries Curated by Dr. Steve Matthews all things 21st Century library related

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